2024 Half Membership | 8 weeks, $65.62 per week CREDIT CARD OPTION
WOOHOO, glorious membership! LOTS of VITAL info, so please read all:
Cheers to enjoying 8 weeks of health for your whole self! This includes: mental health benefits from the peaceful time in glorious nature harvesting; bodily health from the gathering and consuming of our nutrient rich, organic fare; relational health from spending uninterrupted time together with your friends/fam, and emotional health from the joys of smelling, seeing, tasting the bounty!
Picking dates from June 11-Sept 28, 2024. Please note that below, we've added picking days for you to choose from. Please select one, but know that if you need to change your picking day one week, we will be flexible to assist with that. No prob. This just helps us greatly with keeping the experience as peaceful as possible so not everyone comes at the same day/time, and also with making sure we have ample produce for you when you arrive. Thanks!
SAVE $: Want to cut down on your membership fee? Simply help us with sales! With every new membership that comes in through you, we will give you $25 off....and there's NO LIMIT! Think about this: if you bring in 21 of your closest friends/fam, you get your entire membership for free! How's that for a challenge and incentive? :)
Please find all of the CSA details at this link: "CSA DETAILS".
PAYMENT INFO: Pricing includes the 3% cc processing fee: $540.75