Gourmet Garlic

garlic gourmet organic produce vegetable vegetables

Organic Gourmet Garlic!  200lbs of organic cloves were planted this past fall, and they have turned into 4k heads of beautiful garlic!  They are all dug, dried, cleaned and ready for you!    We also just planted 2k more for 2022!

In June the garlic sent up ‘scapes’ or flowering stalks, and you all bought us out in 2 days!  Definitely set you clocks for June 2022 for the next small window of opportunity for these beauts.  They can be eaten raw, roasted, stir fried, steamed or sautéed. 

-  The average person consumes 302 cloves of garlic a year.  With that kind of love, we should choose the best cloves possible!  

80% of USA eaten garlic comes all the way from China AND, it has been proven that a significant amount is artificially whitened with bleach, which may keep away NATURAL dark spots and pests, BUT in turn harms humans.  

Our gourmet garlic will come from us, your neighbors, AND it will have NO chemicals, pesticides, additives...just fresh and beyond delish!  


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