Berries. — berry
berries berry fruit gooseberries gooseberry green
Gooseberries are plentiful in late June/early July. They show to be ripe when they are soft to the squeeze and light maroon in color. Fun Facts: - In the 1800's, people were so obsessed with gooseberries, that the time was termed as the “Gooseberry Craze.” In England, there were even gooseberry clubs formed. The clubs were started for the purpose of competing to see which club had the heaviest and biggest gooseberry. The heaviest gooseberry recorded in the world record books was 2.19 oz. Gooseberry nutritional properties help: - Prevent hair loss! - Keep brains healthy. - Improve digestion. - Attain glowing skin....
berries berry fruit raspberries raspberry red

Ripe from mid July- Oct/Nov (until freeze hits). We have both red AND golden varieties. Fun Facts: - A raspberry is made up of many tiny bead-like fruits called “drupelets” clustered around a center core. Each drupelet contains one seed, and an average raspberry has 100 to 120 seeds. - Unlike many other fruits, unripe raspberries do not ripen after they are picked.
berries berry blue blueberries blueberry fruit

NEW BLUEBERRY FIELD WAS PLANTED: We laboriously added 395 NEW berry bushes to the farm! These are 3yr old plants, so they will be producing juicy fruit for us next summer 2023!!! Our already established bushes should be producing their blue gems starting in early July. Fun Facts: - The blueberry is one of the only foods that is truly naturally blue in color. - Blueberries ranked number one in antioxidant health benefits in a comparison with more than 40 fresh fruits and vegetables. - A single blueberry bush can produce as many as 6,000 blueberries per year. - The silvery sheen (or “bloom”) found on...
berries berry fruit red strawberries strawberry

Our June-bearing strawberries are all tucked in for the winter and will make their luscious appearance June 2022. Fun Facts: - A strawberry isn’t an actual berry, but a banana is! - On top of this, strawberries and raspberries are the only fruits that wear their seeds on the outside. It's for this reason that they aren't technically a 'true' berry like blueberries or grapes. - One strawberry has approximately 200 seeds.
berries berry blue fruit honeyberries honeyberry
Mark your calendars for early- mid June 2022 for the next harvest of these unique gems. Nutrient power packed minis! Fun Facts: - They contain significant sources of potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and iron. They have twice the Vitamin A and four times the Vitamin C as Blueberries. Honeyberries have anti-inflammatory properties, are good for the eyes, fight against colon cancer, and have cardiovascular benefits. - Honeyberries are harvested in late spring or early summer two weeks before strawberries